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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mr. 105
 This is MR. 105 (keith)-- I wanted to talk about receving a lot of text messages that get on your nerves.. I wrote a song about that will be released on iTunes soon called "She Tex Me ( 50 Leven-Hundred Times)" enough of the plug LOL..   Blog me on your experience with a boyfriend/girlfriend  ex- or any one that text you so much it gets on your nerves.. I want to hear if it was harrasment ..


  1. What's up Mr 105, texting can be cool when you need to send and receive a quick message and not able to get make a phone call. I never had anyone from a relationship text me multiple times, however a friend of mine every day at the same time would send a generic text with a message of the day and it would wake me up. I was glad when they changed numbers..so I dont get thoes text any more

  2. what are feelings are texting and driving ... It is an obvious answer. Dont do it.. but a few people I care about do it.. it makes me angry.. it is best to just pull on the side or wait untill you can answer it when you are not driving . the life that would be save may be your on
